Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Release Your Anger at Tacsiyapo Wall

On our way back to Manila after our Ilocos Trip, my friends and I had a chance to visit the famous haven for stress relief, the Tacsiyapo Wall at Isdaan Floating Restaurant in Gerona, Tarlac. A good last stop for all the travelers from the North who would want to dine first before taking on another long road trip.

Tacsiyapo Wall

It was around year 2006 that this restaurant has been opened to the public. And they've introduced many activities apart from the good food they offered. The food is comparable to Barrio Fiesta (no doubt as they are sister companies). 

Isdaan Floating Restaurant - Gerona, Tarlac
One will be amazed of the unique ambiance as this is surrounded by giant structures (Balinese-inspired stone structures) of fish, monkeys, Buddhas, native tribesmen and even a dinosaur. It is indeed a theme park that can be enjoyed by families, friends and kids. One can also see statues like of late former Pres. Cory Aquino and Jaime Cardinal Sin and of  guards-on-uniform, native cribs/baskets/jars, a bicycle with faucets, fish ponds where one can feed the koi fishes for free and several floating nipa huts. 

Giant Buddhas

Cribs and Faucet Bicycle

Photos at Isdaan Restaurant

We reserved one nipa hut for the group and ordered from their menu. This restaurant is catering Filipino native dishes. One could have great selection from seafood, grilled meat and veggies etc. In between waiting of our food to arrive, we immediately roamed the surrounding and after eating we tried their unique activity, one of the famous activities at Isdaan Restaurant, the Tacsiyapo Wall - an extraordinary place to venting out your anger.

At the Nipa Hut

Aftermath of hunger :P
Tacsiyapo Wall and the aftermath...
Buy a P15 mug, shout 'Tacsiyapo' and smash it on the wall!... Whew! Hope your anger/stress fades a little if not totally wiped out.

Just for fun... Tacsiyapo Moments...
That's what the aim of this unique wall. If you are bursting to anger/rage, try to buying one of their breakable items they sell (plates, mugs, glasses, vases and even a TV) and throw it on the wall. You should feel any relief once done it. I've tried it just to make the feel of throwing something for fun not really due to anger at that time (lol). I was surprised that there's a TV on their selling items for P1500 (at that time). I'm curious if anybody has gone here as crazy as Bushwhackers and throw that TV on the wall (lol).

'Tacsiyapo' is a Kapampangan term of 'Bwiset' (English translation is 'Shame on you!'). The wall has many printed shoutouts containing common reasons of why a typical Filipino can be bursting to angry. Most short descriptions are names of general people or relatives, negative Filipino traits and attitude and common Filipino mistakes.

There are other activities at Isdaan Restaurant. Apart from Tacsiyapo Wall, they also have the following:
  • Ungoy-Ungoyan - try to surviving the spitting and urinating monkeys and stay dry until the end of game and be rewarded by a kilo of free fish cooked the way winner wants. 
  • San Kilo Bridge - cross a long concrete bridge laden with sea shells as hurdles while one is carrying a pail of water and be rewarded by a kilo of free fish cooked the way the winner wants. 
We never have tried any of these as we need to prepare to heading our long drive back to Manila. But I could say this place is a Must-try! 

P.S. After our trip at the North, we exited at Tarlac, turned left going to Tarlac City proper and Hacienda Luisita then went right on MacArthur Highway and continued until we reached Gerona. There we ended at Isdaan Floating Restaurant (which is on the left side).

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